Your personal phone secretary powered by AI

Remove hustle and distraction from your daily life. Let AI handle incoming calls while you focus on what matters most.

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15 users joined
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80% of your calls don't require your immediate attention

Spam, sales calls, friend requests and other distractions are draining your time.


You receive a phone call

Answer it and waste your time


Your focus is ruined

Get your time backand focus on what matters

  • Forward calls from your existing phone number to VoiceDesk secretary
  • VoiceDesk will automatically summarize any incoming calls and inform you about the one that matters!
  • Integrate with your favorite tools, like Google Calendar, Calendly, and more.
Virtual AI secretary managing phone calls through a modern interface

See VoiceDeskin action

Watch how our AI secretary handles calls and manages your schedule

Mark calls John

John declines call (he is busy)

Call redirected to VoiceDesk

Phone Call Conversation
Hi, I'm John's virtual secretary. How can I help you today?
Phone Call Conversation
Hi, I'm Mark. I'd like to discuss my new startup idea with John.
Phone Call Conversation
Great! John is free next Tuesday at 2 PM. Would that work for you?
Phone Call Conversation
Yes, that's perfect. Please schedule it.
Phone Call Conversation
Great! I've scheduled the meeting! I'll send a summary to John right away.
VoiceDesk sends email to John

Call Summary

Subject: New Meeting Scheduled
Hi John, Mark requested a meeting with you!
Date:Next Tuesday at 2 PM
Purpose:Discussion about the new startup idea
Call handled by VoiceDesk AI 😎

Experience VoiceDesk Now

Give our AI secretary a call and see the future of communication

Call Now

+1 (864) 772-6739

Try saying:

"I want to meet with John to discuss our AI project"

*Currently available for US callers only

Be the first to hire your first AI secretary

Early Access Benefits
  • Priority Access to Features
  • Special Launch Pricing


Frequently Asked Questions

  • With VoiceDesk, you will get unique phone number that will be used to redirect specific calls from your existing phone number to your AI secretary. Your AI secretary will handle the calls and will handle some action for you and send you summary of the call.
  • Depends on you! You will be able to choose how do you want to handle your incoming calls. You will have many option to handle your incoming calls.

  • Yes, it is very important for us. You can provide feedback via this form here
  • We aim to support as many countries as possible. The order of country rollouts will be determined by waitlist demand and technical feasibility in each region.